
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Salesforce: Simple Trigger to Act as Workflow with Field Update

In previous blog, I discuss about how to write a simple trigger to act as validation rule. In this blog, I'll continue to use trigger to act as workflow with field update.

Scenario: it is good that we manage user only able to enter Singapore or SG, so no more SGP or Spore for the Billing Country. But, even we have only Singapore and SG, it would be best we only have SG, this will make the report even easier and better.

We can enhance existing trigger and add few lines. I'll not write about custom object and how to start write trigger. Here you go:

You can right click the image above and select 'Open image in new tab' if you are using Google Chrome to get better image resolution or get the text version from this URL.

Let me give a quick explanation line added in the code:
  • Line 3, add new list for Account object, will use it to update Account.
  • Line 20 & 21 and 39 & 40, assign Country Code from reference table into Billing Country. You may ask why we need line 39 & 40 since user already enter 2 characters only, and it match to the Country Code. Because without that 2 lines, trigger will not update Account with Country Code from reference table, so when user enter sg or Sg, system will accept it, this is not so tidy as we want all be SG, get it? 
  • Line 54 - 56 to update Account before insert or before update.

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