
Monday, May 20, 2024

Salesforce: Target Object for Create a Record Action Type

We discussed in an earlier blog that we can use an action to "find" a child object; however, for a child object with multiple parent objects, the object may not be available for selection as a Target Object in “Create a Record” quick actions.

Salesforce does not allow to create the actions to related child entity when we have multiple relations of different types to the child entity. 

For Example:

Custom objects A-B with Master-Detail relationship and custom objects A-C with Master-Detail relationship too --> create quick action “Create a Record” on A, you will see both B and C as target objects.

Custom objects D-E with a Master-Detail relationship and custom objects F-E with a Lookup relationship, too --> create a quick action “Create a Record” on D; you will see E as the target object, but create a quick action “Create a Record” on F; you will NOT see E as the target object.

* blue line = Master-Detail and red line = Lookup relationship

Now, change the D-E objects relationship to Lookup, and you will see E as the target object from both D and F.

If you change both the D-E and F-E relationships to Master Detail, you will see E as the target object from both D and F too.


1 comment:

  1. Great insights! This blog highlights how the type of relationship (Master-Detail vs. Lookup) between custom objects in Salesforce affects the availability of child objects in "Create a Record" quick actions. The examples clearly show the importance of planning your relationships carefully to ensure the desired functionality. This is a valuable tip for optimizing Salesforce configurations!


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