
Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Salesforce: What happens when the admin adds or removes items from Navigation Items?

Lightning App Builder offers admin to add/remove items easily in Navigation Items. The items added will be shown as default items in the navigation bar, which also means the user will not able to remove the items added to the Navigation Items, the cross icon simply will appear when clicking the pencil icon at far right on the navigation bar.

Let us create a new app with 4 items:

This is how it looks like

When you click the pencil icon at the far right of the navigation bar

Items manually added by the user will have the cross icon to remove them.

What happened when the admin remove the existing items?

Will the item removed stay or remove for existing users? The answer is both, it can be stayed or removed, but here is the guidance

The items will stay if there is personalization done by the user. What does personalization here mean?

  • Add new tabs
  • Re-order existing tabs
However, even the tab stays, the user will be able to remove those items now.

In this scenario, the user re-orders Contacts after the Accounts tab

The items will be removed if there is no personalization done by that particular user, even that user actively used the tabs in the past.

How do I know if a user has personalized the tab?

If the user clicks the pencil icon, notice on "Reset Navigation to Default", if this is clickable (blue color), this means the menu has been personalized. But if "Reset Navigation to Default" is not clickable (gray color), this means the user has not personalized their menu.

How about adding new tabs?

Adding new tabs will always be added to all users who use the Lightning app, no matter if they have or have not personalized their navigation menu.


Sunday, January 23, 2022

Salesforce: Mass Update Role Hierarchy Access

In a blog written many years back, I shared sharing access from role hierarchy, which is about to give access to the Account owner for the Contact/Opportunity/Case records that related to the Account, but is not owned by Account Owner.

That access information is stored in the UserRole object, and you can mass update the access by simply updating the records in the UserRole object.

A sample query
SELECT Id, Name, ParentRoleId, DeveloperName, RollupDescription, ContactAccessForAccountOwner, OpportunityAccessForAccountOwner, CaseAccessForAccountOwner FROM UserRole WHERE PortalType = 'None'

A few fields are worth knowing from the above query:

- PortalType = None: Salesforce application role, CustomerPortal: Customer portal role, Partner: partner portal role.

- RollupDescription, this is "Role Name as displayed on reports", so it can be different with the actual Role Name.


Monday, January 17, 2022

Salesforce: Default Account Team (2)

Six months ago, I wrote Salesforce: Default Account Team, and this blog will discuss more on Default Account Team again. 

Account Team defines additional users that are involved in an Account, in addition to the Account Owner.  One user can be added only once to the Account Team, adding the existing user will overwrite the current team role and access.

Where to access Account Team (and Opportunity Team)?

Account Team related list

Opportunity Team related list

In Account Team:
- Add Default Team = add members from default Account teams of the Account owner
- Add Team Members = manually select users to be part of the Account Team
- Team Members Access = to show each team member role and access to Account, Contact, Opportunity, and Case
- Remove All Members = remove all members added

In Opportunity Team:
- Add Default Team = add members from default Opportunity teams of the Opportunity owner
- Add Account Team = adding existing team members from Account Team to Opportunity Team
- Add Opportunity Team Members = manually select users to be part of the Opportunity Team
- Team Members Access = to show each team member role and access to Opportunity

Who can add the Account Team?

  • The account owner or users in the above role hierarchy of account owner

  • Users with "Read/Write" access on the account record, but not above the account owner in the role hierarchy, will be able to add users to Account Team, but NOT to edit and delete users from Account Team (just add). These users also can't select the level of access for the new team member, only Private for the Account record, and not the related Contact, Opportunity, and Case.

Who can add and edit the Opportunity Team?

  • The opportunity owner or users in the above role hierarchy of account owner
  • User with Modify All permission on the Opportunity object

  • Users with "Read/Write" access to the opportunity but not above the opportunity owner in the role hierarchy will NOT be able to add, edit, and delete Opportunity Team.

What is Default Account Team (and Opportunity Team)?

  • A list of users defined in the User (Account Owner or Opportunity Owner) setting

Who can add the Default Account Team (and Default Opportunity Team)?

  • In the user setting, the account owner or users in the above role hierarchy of account owner

Will the Default Account Team automatically be added to Account Team for ALL accounts owned by a user with Default Account Team?

  • It depends on "Automatically add my default account team to accounts that I create or accounts that are transferred to me" is selected when adding or editing existing Account Team

Will adding/editing a new user in Default Account Team automatically be added to ALL Account Team for accounts owned by a user?

  • It depends on "Update account teams with these members"  is selected when adding or editing existing Account Team

Issues with Default Account Team

  • The user may not aware that someone added a list of users as the default account team and set it to be auto-added to ALL Accounts or Opportunities own

  • The users added as default team may have changed role, where those users should not have extra access anymore on the Accounts or Opportunities owned by a user


SELECT Id,OwnerId,CreatedById,CreatedBy.Name,CreatedDate,OpportunityAccessLevel,TeamMemberRole,UserId,User.Name,User.Profile.Name FROM UserTeamMember

SELECT Id,OwnerId,CreatedById,CreatedBy.Name,CreatedDate,AccountAccessLevel,ContactAccessLevel,OpportunityAccessLevel,CaseAccessLevel,TeamMemberRole,UserId,User.Name,User.Profile.Name FROM UserAccountTeamMember 

OwnerId = the account or opportunity owner, usually is the rep
CreatedById = the one who add user to default team members
UserId = user added as default team member

Unfortunately, we can't have the relationship query for OwnerId, so need to manually lookup to data from the User object.

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Tableau CRM: Null Values in Dimensions and Dates

As of Spring '22 release, when you group and sort data with null values, the data will be "disappeared", simply because it is not supported by Tableau CRM by default.

Let's use this simple data in this blog

Now let's group by City, the Name = C is just disappeared from the widget, and it also shows the wrong data count of 3, instead of 4.

The same happened when we sort the table with City, the "C" row is now disappeared.

If you are aware that the field may have a null value, you can use the computeExpression node to check if the value is null. then change it to something else, like n/a or -, some of the fields come from the augment node and if the target record is not found, it will become a null value too.

The good news is, Salesforce is aware of this and we can ask Salesforce to enable a feature for us to work with null value easily without having to check each field in computeExpression. 
As of now, this feature is still in Beta, but I see it is working good Do More with Null Values in Dimensions and Dates (Beta).

Using the same dataset, you can see "C" even it is grouped or sorted with the City field.

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

SimplySfdc in 2021

Happy New Year 2022! To follow the yearly tradition, I would like to share some statistics of SimplySfdc in 2021 -- here is the statistic for 2020.

In 2021, more blog posts are written compared to 2020 (72% less), with the total Pageviews and total Sessions are increased multiple times.

Page 2021 2020 2019 change*
Total New Page 50 29 38 72.41%
Total Pageviews 971,076 305,957 210,213 217.39%
Total Sessions 491,048 271,214 185,396 81.06%
Pages / Session 1.98 1.13 1.13 75.22%

* compare 2021 to 2020

Over the years, organic search contributes more and more traffic to the website, which is more than 85% in 2021 -- a pretty huge increase compared to 2020. Direct traffic drops significantly to 7%, traffic from Referral and Social show a slight upward in 2020.
Channel Source 2021 2020 2019
1. Organic Search 88.58% 82.86% 74.06%
2. Direct 7.78% 13.73% 23.25%
3. Referral 2.88% 2.69% 1.72%
4. Social  0.75% 0.71% 0.82%
Google, as always is the king of search engines globally, the same applies to visitors in 2020, Google contributes slightly lower traffic compared to 2020. Traffic from Bing increased more than 1%, Yahoo and other search engines contribute a lower percentage compared to their percentage in 2020.

Top Search Engine 2021 2020 2019
1. Google 96.08% 96.85% 96.09%
2. Bing 3.19% 2.12% 2.61%
3. Yahoo 0.27% 0.44% 0.56%
4. Other 0.45% 0.57% 0.74%

Because of the very low percentage contribution from Social (only 0.75%), I'll not share more detail on it, but the top 5 in order: LinkedIn, Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, and Blogger.
There is no change in the top 5 countries of the visitors, however, US visitors drop quite a bit to 35%, visitors from India increase by more than 2% to 27%. France back to #6 and Singapore drop to #9 in 2021. The top six countries represent close to 76% of the total visitors, this is much lower than 2019, where the top 6 countries represent more than 78% of the total visitors, this means more countries are accessing now.

Top Visitor Country 2021 2020 2019
1. United States 35.06% 37.27% 43.60%
2. India 27.40% 25.20% 22.07%
3. United Kingdom  4.88% 4.78% 4.50%
4. Canada 3.34% 3.09% 2.85%
5. Australia 3.05% 3.03% 3.20%
6. France 2.19% 2.03% 2.09%
* France was in #8 in 2020 and #6 in 2019
* Singapore was in #6 in 2020 and #9 in 2021
From the cities' perspective, the most familiar cities still appear in the top 6 cities. New York is no longer in the top 6, it was #6 in 2020. All top 6 cities (except Mumbai) contribute a lower percentage compared to 2020. The top 6 cities represent more than 13.54% of the total visitors, this is much lower than in 2019 where the top 6 cities are contribute close to 22%, this also means that more cities are accessing nowadays.

Top Visitor City 2021 2020 2019
1. Hyderabad 3.67% 3.86% 3.27%
2. Bengaluru  2.88% 3.80% 5.27%
3. Pune 2.13% 2.38% 2.20%
4. London  1.66% 1.86% 2.14%
5. Mumbai  1.61% 1.36% 1.38%
6. Chennai 1.59% 1.80% 1.86%
* Mumbai was #7 in 2020 and #10 in 2019
* New York was #6 in 2020
This statistic includes access from desktop and mobile. Total top 5 web browsers contribute more than 99% of the visitors. Chrome again proves as the default web browser for everyone, although in this year, it drops by almost 2% of all visitors, this may mean a lot to Chrome for their market domination.
Edge takes over Safari, by almost double the percentage, although Safari still shows a good increase. Firefox again drops to #4, while Opera stay with a low usage in #5. Internet Explorer no longer appears, Microsoft has already stopped Internet Explorer by introducing Edge as the replacement in the last few years.

Top Visitor Web Browser 2021 2020 2019
1. Chrome 86.94% 88.78% 83.13%
2. Edge 5.20% 2.64% 1.58%
3. Safari 4.02% 3.13% 2.91%
4. Firefox 2.65% 3.10% 3.57%
5. Opera 0.37% 0.30% 0.32%
In terms of the operating system, there is no change in the top 5 operating systems. Windows users decreased a little to 70%, Macintosh shows a slight increase above 20%, Android lower a little compared to 2020. iOS shows a good increase, while Linux users are lesser. Mobile and tablet users increase marginally from 7.96% in 2020 to 8.25% in 2021.

Top Visitor Operating System 2021 2020 2019
1. Windows 70.01% 70.59% 74.19%
2. Macintosh 20.31% 19.57% 17.63%
3. Android 4.84% 5.16% 3.28%
4. iOS  3.41% 2.80% 2.57%
5. Linux 0.92% 1.34% 1.65%

As mentioned in last year's blog, screen resolution 1536x864 probably is 1920x1080 resolution with the display set to 125% zoom, and 1280x720 is 150% zoom of 1920x1080. So in total, 1920x1080 contributes to more than 52% in 2021, an increase from 47% in 2020 and 42% in 2019. Resolution of 1920x1080 is the standard now, while more and more users use WQHD (2560x1440) resolution.

Top Visitor Screen Resolution 2021 2020 2019
1. 1920x1080 26.26% 24.34% 24.38%
2. 1280x720 14.86% 12.65% 8.75%
3. 1366x768 11.40% 15.14% 15.62%
4. 1536x864 10.99% 10.44% 8.88%
5. 1440x900  7.45% 8.03% 7.95%
6. 2560x1440 3.65% 3.05% 2.54%
* 1680x1050 was #6 in 2020 and #7 in 2021
* 2560x1440 was #7 in 2020 and #10 in 2019
Top 5 Popular Page
Only 2 of 5 top pages from 2020 stay in 2021. A very old blog written in 2013 takes the top spot #1, another old blog written in 2014 appears in #5, and a pretty new blog written in 2020 takes spot #4. Positions 2,3, and 4 are very close hits in the 15K mark.
1. Salesforce: ISBLANK() or ISNULL() ~ 27,248 hits [2013] (#2~2018; #3~2017; #1~2016; #2~2015; #3~2014)
2. Salesforce: Convert ID from 15 to 18 characters with Excel formula ~ 15,926 hits [2018] (#2~2020; #3~2019, #15~2018)
4. Salesforce: EmailMessage object ~ 15,221 hits [2020] new blog
5. Salesforce: Formula with CONTAINS() function ~ 12,107 hits [2014] never appears in the top 5 earlier


Top 5 Referral Site
Although I do not really promote my blog in the trailblazer and Salesforce developer community, however, #Ohana shared my blog to the community which contributes to more than 54% of the total referral

Salesforce: Sharing Rule with Text field

Here is the requirement: share Opportunities with a public group if the Countries (a text field) are not Japan or Singapore.

This should be easy to achieve with the Opportunity Sharing Rule "based on criteria".

From the above screenshot, the criteria look okay, but it will not work, because the field here (Countries) is a text field, it will work only for a Picklist field. 

Note: Multiselect Picklist field is not available in the sharing rule "based on criteria".

Tweak the above criteria to the following and it should work now.

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